

Since I was 17, I've been involved in some type of church work - and mainly, I've held the title of "pastor" for my entire adulthood. That title always found a home inside of a local church. First, in Indianapolis, then Las Vegas, San Francisco, and now, Portland, Oregon. In 2018, I started to very much deconstruct my evangelical theological upbringing. Over the last 5 years, I began to ask big questions around Resurrection, Biblical literacy, and the entire personhood of Jesus - which in return, made me realize this God I know is not framed inside the small, narrow box that is Evangelicalism. In 2020, my wife Rachel and I founded Makers, which was a space to explore your faith while also being a fully-affirming space for our queer brothers and sisters. This has been my pastoral journey thus far. We'll be celebrating two years this coming January. At the same time - who I am as a person has moved on from being someone who attends church services and preaches at them. We're now taking all of our community and resources to create a ministry that will help folks deconstruct their theology, while also provided Spiritual Direction after. Watch the video below to get all the goods. Peace.

other things i've made